Monday, January 26, 2009

I didn't get to go to the Monster Truck Rally this weekend. It's actually really sad what happened, but I got a refund for my tickets.

I "strolled" on over to Garfield Minus Garfield. These two made me laugh.

The band recorded Running to Stant Still for the Triple M "covers" album of the Joshua Tree. I'll be adding my guitar tracks tonight and tomorrow and then mixing while I'm in Hawaii. Ever since I found out that I might have access to some studio monitors, I've been very excited about this trip to Kauai. Before that, I wasn't as interested in going... yeah...
So that's that. The band also played it's usual last Sunday of the month residency at the Jazz Estate in Milwaukee. We've gotten much more acclimated to the room and I think it translates to the audience that we feel like we belong in there.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Today marks a significant moment in my life. 29.5 doesn't mean much to many people, and with the speculative nature of the reference, I don't really want to get to revelatory.

Needless to say, yesterday's news coupled with events earlier this week and the forthcoming excursion to the north side of Kaua'i next week, I'm sitting on the verge of lots of new territory to cover.

While on vacation, I expect to finish the damn album. (the monster that's been hanging over my head forEVER!). My friend I'm visiting has offered to attempt to scrounge up a pair of studio monitors for me to us. Nice. Ideally, I would have something like the KRK RP5G2 Rokit G2 Powered 2-Way Active Monitors, but I'm going to hold off. Once Over the Terminal Moraine is in the can, I won't need to be doing such high end work for a while (until the next album, Doomsday Annie).
Other than that, not much else in the way of news.
Will be attending "Tim and Eric" tonight at the Barrymore. I'm looking forward to that.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Things here have gotten incredibly insane. I finally have health insurance. I went to the doctor last Friday. I have an appointment with her in a few hours to find out "the news".

Don't get all worked up about anything.

I'm not.

Except for that crap they pumped into me. That was an unpleasant experience.


Monday, January 12, 2009

First post on a first year

Something about Hogwarts and the Hot Tub... emphasis on the second "t".  That kid is so dang cute.  

Went to Red River with the ABQ crew and had a blast.  Had a bit too much of a blast and ended up blacking out.  Felt totally embarrassed about that.  It's happened  one time to many now.  Gotta give it  rest.  All of it.

I found that when I returned, all of the stresses I'd forgotten over the weekend had returned like a flood.  Jezzy.  Can't get out of the dark tunnels I'm running through right now.  Whatever... things gotta change soon.  They will.  I'm optimistic (like that Radiohead song).

I'll post some pics when I get them uploaded... didn't take that many though.
