Monday, April 06, 2009

Up to the latest

Well.  There isn't much to report.  Treatment goes on as usual.  The weekend's I have it are sort of fun.  Mostly spend them sleeping when the mood strikes.

The band is pushing the album forward.  I have a meeting tomorrow to finalize images and put the packaging to press.  The insert is a different story... only because someone else is in charge of that.  And that someone is a big, lazy procrastinator.  "I'll be back from California in a week."  What about the insert?  "It's not done yet."  


The television show that's associated with the band is also moving along slowly.  Most ideas involve too much cost for costumes or issues with having a place to shoot that won't involve the cops at some point.  We'll figure that out... when I'm not feeling like throwing up.

1 comment:

rita shisler said...

Wondered what the significance is of the name Shisler in your blog, sorry you're going through the hell of chemo. I'm a Shisler from Ohio...Shisler's Cheese actually, thus the curiosity. Good luck, my friend. Rita Shisler