Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Beginnings; Part 1

So part of this site is supposed to be set up as a place for me to puke out my frustration at trying to get a band off the ground and into the realm of maybe having the potential to be possibly "successful" (sheh, define successful), some day.

Today is yet another day.

Right now, the band has three members. Eleven songs that are workable and may have some "lets play that one again" merit. The current Quest has been to find a drummer who is of the right mindset and also a drummer. The ranks of people who play drums are thin as it is. Hell, I could put down my guitar and play drums for know boundaries but working with Dave is like working for a Nazi, a Jewish Nazi. The ranks of people with the right mindset are even thiner.

I have been in contact with a drummer who has limited playing experience but seems willing to give it a shot regardless. I can't complain and don't really have a problem with the green behind his ears, yet. We still have to have our first audition which may end up being this Saturday. Hmm... We'll see.

In other Music News: Vote For MC Chris!

1 comment:

k.barrick said...

I want to see SMOOSH vs. Goblin Cock. Now THAT would be great.