Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It's been how long?

There's a lot going on in the world of politics and news and this and that. I would comment on that but it's just too time consuming to put together a semi-intelligent rant about the state of the world and there are plenty of other places to get your opinions.

Instead, I'd rather announce that I've quit smoking. I've given it up for a little over three weeks now. Granted, I did have a few cigarettes on Saturdays, hanging out with the band, but they were very unenjoyable. It's absolutely awesome to get rid of that damn addiction. I have dreams again. I don't reek (well, of smoke) all the time. I don't wake up congested every morning. I just fell damn better.

The trick? This time it was the reminder of facts about the drugs in cigarettes that kept me from having one during the week at work, where they are everywhere and pretty much free for the taking. I also kept reminding myself that there will be the horrible sludgy feeling along with the doped up stupor of having a smoke. I give myself breaks without the smoking now.

So stay away from cocaine, stay away from heroine, stay away from meth. But don't make that tobacco illegal. Even though it's probably the most addictive of the bunch.


Anonymous said...

Nice work kid!

Dean ASC said...

Here's the choir pricking up their ears and singing a hymn to his majesty. I want a cigarette so badly I would slap my mother every minute of the day. I smoked for 3 months in highschool (the same time I broke my leg). Bartending gave me a solid addiction to the second hand nicotine. Not a day goes by where I don't crave one. Especially since I work with teenagers who are constantly sneaking smokes. Dammit I want one too.

That explains why you've not been in a blogging mood lately.

Dean ASC said...

Oh yeah, and good for you for quitting. Keep up the good fight.

Anonymous said...

That's great. Good luck with the quiting. I know you can do it.

Anonymous said...

How's the quitting going?