Tuesday, April 01, 2008

King Cobra? No, King Consumer

You would think the amount of money I've dropped on new music as of late that I'm rolling in cash... but like I like to say, "Buy food or buy music? Music keeps you fed a lot longer."

I got my copy of Trent Reznor's Ghosts I-IV.

It's interesting... if you like listening to song ideas that never made it past the idea stage. It's sort of like buying Picasso sketches. They're Picasso, but they're no Guarnica. Not something that he spent a whole lot of time on.

What's interesting for me is the flashbacks I keep getting. When Furious Jones was recording in 2000, I was listening to a lot of The Fragile (almost exclusively, and almost exclusively the Left Disc.) This is when my ears started to really be able to pick apart recordings, tear up the layers, ignore the present layers and hear the sub-layers... so the work that Nine Inch Nails was doing, was engaging. This is also when I started drifting away from being a drummer and into the world of guitar.

After this last year of recording-work, it's nice to be able to have a fresh perspective on why I'm doing this thing with the band. Exploration, experimentation sort of got lost in the push to create an album that sounded like what we sounded like. I'm beginning to think that this idea needs to go away and I need to get back to exploring again. Set up some new directions with the new material... some extra layers... some hidden flavor. Seek out ways to slip these things in without driving up studio time costs. (I had a lot of fun adding the textures to "the Moment" but it took the better part of a day to lay it all down.)

And in re yesterday, Joe's come 'round to the realization that we are four members, not five, and he's let the idea of adding a female voice into the band go away. (That's a good thing. If he had stuck by that conviction, we may have come to blows.)

1 comment:

Dean ASC said...

I like it when Trent Reznor turns blue and I can eat him and then his eyes float home. I always miss the cherries but manage to catch the orange.