Friday, June 20, 2008

Many Thanks

It's always a strange event playing a live show.  I'm not the kind of person who enjoys standing on a stage in a small room with people either not paying attention or paying attention or something in between.  I guess I'm not comfortable with recognition as much as I think I crave it.

We did have a well received performance.  Even the legendary Billy Pilgrim (Or is it the sinister Bulk Petroleum?)  made the effort to come and give his two cents.  The title will repeat itself here "Many thanks."  I swear I'll get the album mixed by the end of next week.  With the scratch from our last two shows, we should be able to cough up the remainder for mastering and sometime later this summer actually have something that some people have been clamoring for for a while now.  (If they haven't already lost interest and gone back to their collection of hot wheels and vintage mustards.)

The job hunting continues as well.  I've tossed my name into a few more pools with the University.  Otherwise, I've got to get some motivational tapes on job seeking outside the easy avenues of state employment websites.  Something about them don't sit right with me.

And last but not least, I'm continuing my exploration of San Diego indie by listening to more and more Three Mile Pilot.  I used to have one of their albums on cassette back in the day ("I have all of your cassette tapes!") and I would play it while working at the gas station.  People would be paying for their gas and getting sludgy bass and weird vocals and noise for free on the side.  Ingrates.


Mallory Weiss said...

Cheers for TMP! The best band. I'm sending them coffee every Xmas. Still hoping the long promised "new album" will come out one day...

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

huh. around Milwaukee, we have to pay EXTRA for sludgy bass.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

dang. That comment would have been so much funnier if I had said "...we have to pay extra for sludgy bass at our gas stations."

I blame Carlin's death for sucking most of the humor out of the day.

Adorable Girlfriend said...

That's awesome that BP came! He's good people like that.