Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Suspense, it'll kill you...

You know I'm doing this just to drag it out right. I could have written this damn story a while ago... but I did scribble out a rough draft on my lunch break. I'll get it finished tonight (maybe) but definitely before I head off to Big Sky Country.

In the "mean"time I will leave this transcribed excerpt from the book I started reading today. The View From Nowhere

"The question of how to combine the external view of this embarrassing but unavoidable activity with the view from inside is just another instance of our ubiquitous problem. Even those who regard philosophy as real and important know that they are at a particular and, we may hope, early stage of its development, limited by their own primitive intellectual capacities and relying on the partial insights of a few great figures from the past. As we judge their results to be mistaken in fundamental ways, so we must assume that even the best efforts of our own time will come to seem blind eventually. This lack of confidence should be an integral part of the enterprise, not something that it needs a historical argument to produce. We also have to recognize that philosophical ideas are acutely sensitive to individual temperament, and to wishes. Where the evidence and the arguments are too meager to determine a result, the slack tends to be taken up by other factors. The personal flavor and motivation of each great philosopher's version of reality is unmistakable, and the same is true of many lesser efforts."

Susan and I have had discussions about the current state of philosophy. She contemplated working on her Ph.D. in philosophy but decided that it was just too dead. Rather, she chose something relating to Medieval History. So... yeah... but I understand her reasoning. But finding this book and getting into it, with the prospect of grad school darkening the western skies, helps keep me interested in philosophy as more than just a major I chose out of interest over market employability. (damn "punk rock" ethic. Why couldn't I have settled on a nice sell-out degree?)

There were other lines that stood out to me. I don't have the free time to indulge here. Work duties supposedly call. And if that didn't engage you, I wrote some crap last night...

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