Friday, May 16, 2008

Is it Monday yet?

Nothing quite says it the same.  This weekend can only get worse... hell, the next few weeks are going to be very busy.  A trip to Chicago this weekend for Kristin's graduation.  (Finally.)  It's about damn time.  I thought I took my time getting my B.A. but spending the last 3.5 years after being a semester away from a MTA at Montana State at school is just crazy.  Or not.  In all honesty, I would love to be back in school again.  I just don't know what to study.  Philosophy ain't the bag of tea it used to be these days.  The work week next week promises to be more of the same.  Sane.  Back to the weekly schedule with only the addition of flash card review.  That's not going to be fun, but learning never is.  

With the new job on the horizon, the old jobs (both of them, including the one I'm keeping) seem like complete douche-baggery.  These tasks are the repetitions of my life and they have been for the last several years.  It didn't take me long to figure out the pattern.  I just had a lot of extra-curriculars, etc.  But that isn't what it used to be either, or rather it feels more like hope dried up.  Optimism scaffolded with hot air.

And speaking of optimism, the whole California Supreme Court dealie... spare me the political circumstance.  Just one more thwack to the hedge to rustle out more scared pheasants during this prime election year.  I'm really sick of politik.

And speaking of sick and politics, someone close to me has got teh cancer.  I'm not going to go into the details.  It did give me an opportunity to discuss modern medicine and the cry for universal health care.  If you check out Dean's post about the boomers  and the echos it brings to light so much of that general feeling of being utterly screwed over by society simply because everyone in this goddamn country thinks it's their God-given RIGHT to live for-fucking-ever.  Don't get me wrong.  I think it's great that my friend with teh cancer will be able to get super awesome medical treatment and possibly a long life after the next few months.  But the truth is that we are not entitled to these sort of contract extensions.  (And when I can finally see a doctor under a health plan provided by my employer, I'll have all of the things that worry me checked out.  Stupid pre-existing condition clauses and whatever... at least I finally kicked tobacco to the curb.)

"best summer ever"

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