Thursday, May 29, 2008

Uh... I got stuff to do.

So watch this instead.

I started work on the first pass of Mt. Hindsight. Mixing is going to take me forever it seems. If I just went with the simple rule of one guitar track or one track per guitar part instead of layers and slicing of parts for panning and sustain overlaps and whatever else I think might sound cool but won't matter since not many people will listen to it anyway and the few who actually do won't even notice the subtle textures I've spent hours crafting.

St. Vincent refered to those hours as the invisible hours. I'm fading by the second.

Or if you're in MSP tomorrow evening at the airport and you see a dude with a laptop and a set of Sennheiser headphones, buy him some coffee and tell him that failure comes in a bowl now.


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