Friday, May 23, 2008


Yesterday's post was born out a lot of apocalyptic thoughts.  I'm better now.  Sleep is a nice little thing I've not been getting enough of as of late.  Stupid vintage gaming consoles and their long playing games.

It's that time of year when the band has a long-assed meeting.  We're going to discuss stuff and stuff and then nothing major will come from that.  I will mention that I'm going out to the studio on Sunday to get the track files dumped onto my new drive.  Mixing... well.  I'm hoping that while I'm training in MSP in two weeks I'll have some time to sit in the hotel room and adjust faders, tweak EQs, set pans and listen to songs again and again and again.  Tis the dream of anyone with no soul.  Most likely, I'll be so tired and weary that I'll watch some boring regional cable and eat some fried chicken from the nearby 7-11 before passing out in a grease stained t-shirt and grimy workpants.  

Good times.

But seriously, we may just actually discuss the first video we'll shoot.  The ketchup one... I'm not looking forward to actually shooting that in the middle of summer.  Pores filled with tomato condiment product at 90 F with a swarm of flies and mosquitos... that's ABBA Gold right there baby.


I'm gunna have to grow some damn wings next Tuesday.   I'm gunna have to hold myself to it as well.  Lots of big things going down next Tuesday.  Maybe this universe in chaos thing that seems to be hitting right now (and the last few weeks) will come to a head then.  Like a big ol' pimple ripe for plucking.  (Sexy (or not))

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