Thursday, December 11, 2008

It does heal.

This just makes me laugh... through the nose.

So does this.

At rehearsal minus vocals tonight, we talked about Danny and what we would do if he did... drop him off at the hospital. He said he believed I would even if I was messed up. I said yes. Then Travis said there would be some way to pin it on Joe. "There's always a way to pin it on Joe." And that led to leaving Joe with O.D.ed Danny at the ER and telling him to sing him a "healing song." One of the things that Joe has said (out of many, many, many things) is that our music is designed to heal.... anyway.

I prefer laughter. And insomnia

1 comment:

Susan Kaye said...

ooooo, I love insomnia! (she writes at 2:42 am)