Friday, March 24, 2006

Sue called

Some people think that because they don’t do anything after they put in their hours at
their job, everyone else likewise has nothing to do after they clock out. If you want your
cds or photos or crappy art projects, you’ll have to wait till I get a little vay-kay on

I have been to the rim of civilization in greater Dane County these last few days giving
people their consequences. You can’t hit someone with your car in a parking lot and then
expect the person to not file a claim with your insurance company. Don’t be so grumpy
about it either. It’s one of the resposibilities of driving.

Which brings me to the topic of tailgaiting. I’ve been seeing more and more of it and it’s
really starting to get under my skin. Every time I move into the open left lane to let some
jackass pass me in the right lane, I can’t help but say a prayer that they die horribly under
the back wheels of a semi that they will inevitably tailgate in a few minutes. Now, I can’t
get on the soapbox because I used to drive in such a manner in my youth, but the next
time you get on my tail (lady in the red Escort) pay close attention to as I downshift from
fourth to second.

There’s a new case we got in yesterday in which someone is suing a company because a
product of theirs, being used in its intended capacity, injured someone. The case is about
a tiki torch oil lamp. A child was burned. The manufacturer is on the hook for liability
regarding the saftey of the product. I would not be surprised if the company that
produced the match, or lighter, or bolt of lightning that started the fire on the oil lamp was
also involved in some manner as well. Hell, let’s just sue the atoms that were releasing
too much energy. Sue the damn universe for being unsafe. The great american lottery.

Releasing too much energy.

I read something about that... hmm...

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