Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Back at work... yech.

So I have to work today. First day of the raise. Not a bad raise either... it's aparent that the other job would give me a raise if there wasn't as many employees working there. Since I'm toeing the line at both jobs and not taking time off, we're understaffed there and they don't have their usual cronies to do all of the work. Inevitably, the work falls onto my shoulders. (Not just the heavy lifting but also the bulk of the copying, CD/DVD reproduction, and the usual office janitor crap I do as well. I can do pretty much everything at that job but I don't have to nor do they want me to.) It's just a bad situation. They would appreciate me more if I had more responsibility given to me, and I can only steal so much from the other employees before it would turn into a cat fight. (I work with catty people at that job.)

It's just more encouragement for me to keep my nose in the want ads. I'm not desperate for a new job, but I'm not happy with the lack of opportunity in my current roles.

I also stumbled onto this today in my online readings. Funny, I always thought the point of the game Monopoly was to drive everyone else into bankruptcy.

Just one more thing to make me angry. Intellectual property is an absolute HS scheme. It's a scheme that's in desperate need of change, "updation" (update-tion), & improvement. I get how a person, an individual, can own the rights or patent for an idea they came up with but I don't understand how a corporation can own a patent. Most copyrights last for a certain time period after the death of the owner to protect the estate, but I don't know when a corporation dies? Dissolution? I can't get a solid answer out of my boss but I haven't pressed him in a while. Maybe I'll do that again, soon.

Peace on earth. War in the heavens. Isn't it Boxing Day?


sitsonchair said...

I totally agree with you. Yec! whomp whomp

Anonymous said...

lucky you. i do not write here much. i miss and love you so much. i don't give a crap anymore about anything. where is the gun.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, who are these commenters above AG? Have we new fans?!

Dean ASC said...

If you get a chance, I think Sundance Channel runs it pretty often and I know netflix has it, watch the documentary "The Corporation". It will turn any capitalist into a jam-band-following hippie.

RicketyFunk said...

I hope to god that watching that movie will turn me into a jam-band-following hippie. I've wanted to do that all my life.

I was thinking some more about the whole game of monopoly. Not only is the point to make everyone else bankrupt, but THE GAME ENDS when there's only one person holding the money.

Anonymous said...

why even play monopoly? the game sucks. long, boring and evil.

zach, it was great to hear your voice, once again. i guess, i am considered here a new fan? LOL nah, i am just an X here.

i was feeling kinda bummed the other day. this will make no sense to anyone that reads your site, it will only make sense to you. i reflected back to when we were in yellowstone, over two years ago. "what kind of people do you think those are?" you saw the look on my face and i saw yours. you grabbed my hand and we headed up the path to another geyser. i wanted to say so much to those people and you knew it, but i know how you hate confrontation.

my point is, is that it makes me smile and laugh and i didn't feel bummed any longer. kinda like ice skating on gravel. i guess that is the way life is.

i get sad sometimes the way you put yourself down here. i know better though. i still do and believe in you. you had and still do, touched my life in a huge way. i just want you to know that. it's important to me. i know you all to well, and vice-versa. it's a wonderful, good thing though.

i have probably said way to much in public.

from my heart, you are very loved. by the way, knock them over on new years. this will sound stupid, but i am so proud of you :) when you play the staples center, i want some back stage passes.

over and out,


RicketyFunk said...

Staples Center backstage passes for all... well. For the one person I know in the Greater LA area.