Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Just a seed

I know that these are a little long-winded.

Non-renewable seeds.


I keep feeling like I wake up from a nightmare and I want to go back to sleep because the nightmare is not as scary.


Dean ASC said...

The irony is that the terminator gene is the added bonus for wanting the ease of Roundup Ready seeds. The gene that codes for surviving Roundup is naturally evolving anyway. (It's especially fast in areas where they're spraying to kill off cocaine procduction. Cuttings of Roundup Ready coca plants are being distributed throughout South America.) Eventually there will be no need to purchase Roundup Ready seeds because the weeds are resistant. The terminator gene however will had plenty of chances to escape into the wild and fuck with us all.

RicketyFunk said...

God Bless Evolution!

It'll do what it needs to do to finish us all off.