Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Alright, that's just not funny

I don't know if anybody is aware of this, but the humble beginnings of the Onion, Online Satire "Newspaper", was actually a printed document circulated in the fair and culturally diverse city of Madison, WI. We used to pick up copies of the Onion and leave them in the Video Room for browsing and comedic uplifting during our droll days in high school. So all of ya'll that think it's an online thing can eat it. We had it first, before it was purchased by Disney, moved to New York, and put on the web. Believe me, it's way more entertaining in print as a coffee shop/lunch by yourself read than it ever could be at your desk on a monitor.

Last week they ran yet another 'best of' with my personal favorite "Christ Returns to NBA."

So this article seemed to be appropriate. 'MidWest' Discovered Between East, West Coasts.

Onto other things:
Yes, it was my birthday on Sunday. I didn't do anything too exciting. Had a few beers, sat and watched some TV, had a steak for dinner.

While driving to work this morning, I saw a sign that said, "ASC" and thought that it might have something to do with Dean. Some evil company on Atwood Ave. that harbors investigative research demons or something of that nature, seeking the Philosophers Stone.

There was a bit of an argument at work this morning which was a long time coming. One of my asst. Mgrs handed it to this girl who's almost always in Bitch Mode. It was nice. Very very nice. Luk-a-Guine-Glick-a-glick-a-guill-guh.


RicketyFunk said...

I like the line "Here be tractor pulles." It makes my day when I see signs for those around.

Today I payed more specific attention to that sign and the ASC stands for Appliance Service Center.

Could just be a front though.

Anonymous said...

It could also be the Alabama Supreme Court.

And I did know about the Onion from another blogger who lived in the Madison area.

Happy Birthday, BTW!

Dean ASC said...

OK yes I did the cowardly thing and removed my post. It showed up in the Google cache and connected my real name to my blog. Can't have busy freshmen googling their teachers and then stirring up trouble.

Here's the post with some careful anymnity.

Yes those would be the "flyover states" that I alluded to previously. I'm only evil because I'm trying to dry out wetlands so I can build slums so I can evict poor elderly tennents.

OK here's a rare treat that I don't often post online. DeanASC???

I'm not looking for any stones lately but I am part of 'The Machine' if that helps you.