Thursday, October 12, 2006

I really wanted to post last night on my drive home from dinner/reading session. It was about 11 pm and I was leaving the Denny's in Monona and it felt like eight years ago when I was going to MATC. Snow was blowing like mad! I love the snow. I love the cold.

Some "dude" flew his plane into a building yesterday. I don't feel like making snide comments about it. People died in an accident and now it's all over the "news."

I've been isolating myself this week in my room working on the guitar tracks for "America the Beautiful Monster." My final decision is that I need to probably get a new hard drive. I can't figure it out but when I record, I get these electric bursts that end up in the wave and generally there's a static distortion of the wave right before the pop. It's unbelievably irritating. So... I came up with a new way to record the guitar parts on my drive home. Instead of just recording two guitar takes and mixing the two, I decided I'd try to play the song with no delay straight and then a second take with delay where I only hit the chords on the accents of the part. It sounds a lot cleaner. Now I just need to get my computer to cooperate.

There's more to talk about. It's keeping me from lunch though.

My friends had their baby!

That'll do... for now. I need to post in the evenings when I'm not as pressed for time and can actually focus.

I've also been reading Fear and Trembling. It's quite interesting. I doubt that our president could understand what Soren Kierkegaard is talking about (translated or untranslated.)


Dean ASC said...

Snow? For real? I was hoping not to think about that for a while.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Bush.

One of our presidents, at least, read and understood Kierkegaard. FDR:

RicketyFunk said...

Yes Dean, Snow. It was glorious. The endorphines started flowing and the end-of-summer-pre-ski-season fall depression just blew away.

There was no accumulation but the fact that in a few months (hopefully) there will be days of walking from one job to the other in that beautiful, beautiful falling dream.

Owen, thanks for the link. I'm going to have print the article at work, the first few paragraphs have me interested in the thing but I have a hard time reading academic literature without hard copy. I like to make notes and draw pictures. I hate staring at a monitor for hours.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it snowed in MSP when I was there last week. It was kind of neat. Maybe winter won't be so bad...

Congrats to Eleri on her arrival. Cute baby!