Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Big Red Pool

I got home last night and spent some time recording guitar tracks for Do the Math. This project is totally sucking in a good way. I think I'm almost done with that song and there's one track on Universal Quantifier that I need to re-record and then there's only One Day left to start on and finish by Friday night. I think I can get it done but I'm going to have to skip the gym tonight, or maybe I won't. When I get in a funk about going to the gym, I read about some different exercises to try and vary my routines and then get all excited about making some progress. Uh... what was I talking about?

Oh yeah. So I made myself go to the gym at about 8:30 and went out to my truck and started to back out of the drive way and had to go back inside to grab my phone and I noticed a big slick on the driveway. A big, fresh slick of red, oily fluid just sitting there right below where my truck's transfer case sits. The new transfer case I had put in last week. The one that cost me a lot of money to replace. Leaking red, oily transmission fluid.

Not happy.

So. I took it in this morning and apparently it's all ready for me to pick up. I've yet to find out if they're going to try to charge me for the work they did.

Another EPA library closed. I just love the last line of this article. And I heard something yesterday about how it's easier to control the masses if they ain't educated. So lets make sure no child gets left behind, no school is left standing, and no library remains open.

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