Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Newz alert

Walking around yesterday, USA Today caught my eye. Sitting on the front page was this article.

Its just a fact of life.

Best answer... I would say, go to a trade school. Spend two years getting an Associates degree and get out into the workforce sooner. The fact that so many kids are going to college in the first place devalues the four year degree. What good is a liberal arts degree when %65 percent of people your age have one?

Personally: I was born right in the middle of the genX genY cusp. I've got my foot in both camps. I hate living at home. I can't afford to live anywhere else unless I find a job that'll pay more than $28,000 a year thanks to my debt. Most of that debt is my own damn fault though. I kept convincing myself that I'd pay off my cards once I graduated. I never looked at the situation I'd be in once I graduated and I wasn't getting the leftovers from my loans to pay rent. Having "My Car" as your address on a resume doesn't make a good first impression, but I'm learning now. It's painful and I wish that I could make a little more money a year to whack away at my situation rather than just whittle. I never was much for whittlin'. It was always too boring.

Thank God I have my band.

We recorded drums on Saturday for several songs. I have the rough mix for "Do the Math." Since I worked late last night, I didn't have the time to download it and start working on the guitar tracks. Hopefully, now that my truck is back from a week at the shop, I'll be able to get some more things done, and get back to the gym. I feel like I'm getting fat again.

so, excuse me please, I've got to go make a bulimia joke now.


Anonymous said...

Not sure I agree with the avoiding college thing. From an economics standpoint, college makes sense. There's a couple of things to be said about that, there are community colleges and state colleges. They are cheaper and well worth it if you cannot go on scholarship to a private school.

Work while in college. It helps pay off bills and boosts your CV.

Lastly, you're 23. You don't deserve an Audi and home of your own. Get over your friend whose friend whose Daddy bought these for him. It's not your life. Go make a name for yourself. Work up the ladder. The next apartment will be bigger. The Volvo will come in a few years and you'll honeymoon at 30 in Paris.

They want too much, too fast and don't want to pay their dues.

RicketyFunk said...

I can agree with your points AG.

A degree, in anything, is better than no degree.

I just think that college is pushed on kids who may not need to go to college.

(Stop into any bar in a college town and ask the bartender what their major in college was. Probably English.)

Unknown said...

Now, now, some of those bartenders majored in Philosophy.

Dean ASC said...

It's my job to push my students into college because that's the meaningful statistic that the state uses to justify my existance. 80% of my school goes to college. The state want's me to make that 100%. The thing is there are some kids that really would be better off aprenticing in a trade right now. I'm not allowed to tell them that.

That 80% figure is just who goes to college. There's no mention of when they finish or how.

k.barrick said...

Yeah Zach.. you're 23!!!

Oh wait...

Yeah Zach, don't live in your Audi!!!

Oh wait...

Yeah Zach, State schools are cheaper!!!

Oh wait...

Sorry, got to go and catch the snarky train.

k.barrick said...

Oh... and

Yeah Zach, ever think of WORKING through college???

Oh wait...