Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Slowed down to the speed of progress

It's been a crappy time in Zach-ville. My ear finally turned into an ear infection and it's been oozing gunk out the outside which I think means my ear drum ruptured on Monday night while I was lifting at the gym. I took Tuesday off from work and went to the doctor. My favorite part of the day was when four different people asked me if I had health insurance. Okay, well, actually my favorite part of my day on Tuesday was either sleeping in till eleven or the election results.

I will say that the "roommates" distaste for Democrats has made being at home a little unbearable. Oh well, at least I don't want to belong to any party that doesn't know how to party!


Yeah. I don't want to talk about it that much, really. I've been listening to Al Franken and Ed Schultz for the last week at work and I've been politicked out.

The band is rolling along like square toast. I finally got a callback from the recording school about getting us signed up for "free" studio time. The hours for recording there are difficult for everyone in the band except for me. Danny's buddy finally came through and we might actually be recording with him this weekend. That means that I've got to get my guitar tracks cued up and dialed in this week (which I haven't done since I've been sick and trying to get over six hours of sleep a night... ugh. Enough whining, just getting it done!!! I made myself record the tracks for One Day tonight before I went to the gym. There's a few parts that need to be punched in over and there's the whole issue of recording the solo that I've not worked out yet. I haven't heard what it's supposed to sound like yet. I really want to hear it but I don't know yet. Still searching. (I'll explain what that means if you really want to know (but you have to ask))) (alright already with the parenthesises)

So now.

Have had a few moments lately where I've been kinda scaring myself. Not fun right now.

Oh boy, Spaghetti! Now that's Italian!!!


Anonymous said...

I agree, we've all blogged abit much about Tuesday. Especially, um, well you know, Res Publica!


Hope your ear is getting better.

RicketyFunk said...

Tuesday's gone with the wind.

Great song.

The ear is getting better, I think. It's going to be a while before its back to normal, if it gets back to normal. I did some damage to it this time.

and one more thing AG...

You beat me to commenting on Dean's site. I swear. I was all excited to be the first to comment and then I was checking some facts and editing and then I had to reload and there your comment was. Argh!