Wednesday, November 01, 2006

E-mail to Joe (Scavenger hunt version)


That's pretty dang sweet. What do you think he's going to do to help us out? Huh? Overstep our dependence on Danny's "buddy" for recording some tunes? (Hopefully.) Thank you for taking the time to do that Joe. My forte does not include 'Making New Friends' (in a business sense,) and it's nice that there's someone else in the band who will do more work than just show up at practice and write their part of the music. We would stagnate if I was in charge of everything.

Did you get my message about the demo? I talked to Dave and he said that if we are looking to play shows at local music venues as openers than we don't really need to have a super professional demo. With that said and a few days time since then, I still think you're right. Best foot forward. When we contace someone, we should look/sound like we know what we are doing even if we don't.

I finished that book of interviews from Punk Planet. It had some very thought provoking interviews. Some made me want to not work with "the big guns" at all and others made me think that it's not bad to work for a record company. What I do think is that there is change blowing in the wind and the record companies are behind the ball right now. Lots of small timers can do it themselves and network their way to notoriety but I don't know... I don't know.

The Barn is capable of being warmer this winter. I feel like shit from breathing in all of that dust last night (even with a dust mask on.) There are a few tweakings that need to be done to make the place work more effectively, but it was midnight when I left and I was feeling tired and sick and wanted to go to bed. I'll get the rest of it done sometime later this week (probably Friday.) Speaking of later this week. Rachel said that we don't need to worry about moving hay on Saturday. Her brother is doing something that she has to go and watch or something and the following week, her other brother is in town so she won't need our help at all.

I did find the book in my truck. Thanks dude. I'll read it when I want to get depressed and miserable about how my band is a failure in comparision. I haven't taken the time to crack the spine because I want to read it at home in the evenings and haven't had time to do that yet.

Love the hair.


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