Monday, March 31, 2008

Another weekend

I've seemed to obtained some sort of illness over the weekend. You know what that means? Driving around with a bottle of Dayquil clutched in my junkie paw.

The band is progressing on the stripped down style of performing. We are also dealing with another issue. An issue that needs to go away soon... or else...

but I'm not really in the right place for much of anything right now. It's been a long, dreary day and I'm looking forward to kicking out some endorphine at the gym. (Let's just say that I've got a lot on my mind.)

Friday, March 28, 2008


"You know what I like about you...." (Nothin')

I suppose I had some time to actually sit down and put up a real post but I blew that today on things that were work related.

Tomorrow is someone's birthday... Happy Birthday. Look in the mail either tomorrow or Monday.

Other news... It's been 31 days since I've had a fucking cigarette. Sometimes it's good to be a quiter.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

You fill in the link...

Since when did "expert" become so watered-down?

It's worse than diarrhea these days. Simply because you ate that week-old, left-over Thai that you forgot to refrigerate, does not mean you can claim you have the necessary "experience".


Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I don't have time today to fully expand on this idea... practice. For some reason, I'm actually busy today. And the stink of cigarettes is serious motivation to get this crap done and get out of here asap. I would love take some time and reflect on the role of practice in lots of things in life, but instead I'll get out as much as I can in five minutes...

Where the i Divides has practice tonight. I'm guessing it's going to be three out of four. There's really no need for it tonight if Danny doesn't show up. The rest of us know our parts if we're playing acoustic or electric. His showing up switches Travis to some other instrument and results in me teaching the songs to him on guitar.

I don't really want to do any of this. It seems like an exercise in futility to continue to rehearse songs that are waning in my excitment to perform them, especially when it means that our performances of this variance on our sound will be in places that are less agreeable than our only home these days... the Klinic.

Travis made a good point today about the importance of us using this as an opportunity to get into places like lame-ass coffee houses that shy away from aplification and run in terror at the thought of a distorted guitar (let alone a distorted bass.)


Yet, I'm still a little giddy for this evening. It's not like the summer writing sessions with Travis in the barn. (Those were the best times, so far.) There's conflict here. Mostly related to the constant stresses and tensions that I get from certain members and their innability to focus.

Part of me really wants to stake a new claim and try diggin somewhere else. It's not the music I'm not excited about, it's the line up I'm beginning to think is what's killing my motivation. (See my desire to keep exploring in the vein of the newest song "California Scheemin'; the Legend of Sun-Paw and Rankle")

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I could have stayed home and slept all day... but no one would have paid me to do that.

Instead, I've been reading my newly arrived copy of Yeti 5 this morning. It's always a good read even if it reminds me that there are so many things I don't have the time to explore fully.

There are some excerpts from Pinakothek in one article. I've been checking out the archives there most of the afterknoon. Interesting, to say the least.

Eventually, I'll realize I could be using this time to look for a new job that is more "rewarding" but until then, I'll enjoy spending work time doing personal time things.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Stomp three times if you wanna hear me get....

It took a long time to get over the weekend. Here's a sample of what the show entailed.

I also scored a sweet sticker that's going to end up taking up a bunch of prime "real estate" on my guitar. I'll not get pictures of that up for a while though. I'm terrible about stuff like that.

My friends Alison and Leah got dressed up in their shiny tank-tops. I'll eventually try and get some a video up here too... don't have the time for it right now.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tonight had better be the best night ever!!!
In other news... nothing. Here's an email from "Freddie"
*****Travis Wrote*****************************************
> Re: Hey Freddie, "scat" is jazz for "fun"
> i'm starting to like "freddie" actually...kind of has that "jazz" type
> swing to it...
> it'll be interesting to hear what names she calls me this
> weekend...bobby? grant? marvin?
> jared? (es muy gordo...madre de dios)
> i am a little surprised that john called me last night (you don't mind
> if i gnaw on your arm a while, right? just a little gnawin')...he must
> be really desperate...but, yeah...he knows what he's doing...and more
> importantly, i know what he's doing...he's a vampire, though not the
> cool movie sort...
> that also means that danny wasn't answering his phone/returning calls
> at all last night...i can understand ignoring john (he was harassing
> them on Saturday), but the greatest guitar/bass combo in the city? he
> needs a "wake-up" call from chester cheetah...the kind you don't answer;
> the kind you just hear...
> word.
Some of this is in reference to last night and our session at the rehearsal space. Some of this is in reference to the Saturday/Sunday Tension-with-Butter-Knife action in re: band matters. Seems some people think they can get away with trying to wrench power out of the hands of those that matter most. (greatest guitar/bass combo in city???) Those said some people will shortly realize the folly of those decisions should they continue along those darkened paths.
(Oh my GOD!!! is he threatening to break up the band?!?!?!) Eh... no, not yet.
Trav... er Freddie and I did write a most of a new song idea last night with the assistance of a lame keyboard supplied beat. I've been thinking about it today and the notion of keeping that keyboard beat in the song is really growing on me. "Hey! You like electronic drums right? Well check this out!" I get the feeling that I'm going to have a discussion (read, swinging guitar like baseball bat at head) with him about arranging the transitions again. Try and add a few more notes and/or chords before the bridge. A Ramp, if you will. (A ramp to the skies!)
(segue in head)
This will open things up for the possibility of the creation of methane and other organic compounds. If they can combine with water, they may be able to generate essential amino acids for the genesis of life.
I've not been called "Captian Science" in days of old for my accuracy of fact, but rather my usage and insistence in the air of those things.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

keeping up promises (pt. 3)

I'm going to be a bit lazy today. If the morality jibber-jabber is not so entertaining and you prefer my pointless postings (isn't it all rather pointless?) skip to part two.

Mr. Hooker has presented his rule-consequentialism thus:

"An act is wrong if it is forbidden by the code of rules whose interalization by the overwhelming majority of everyone everywhere in each new generation has maximum expected value in terms of well-being (with some priority for the worst off). The calculation of a code's expected value includes all costs of getting the code internalized. If in terms of expected value two or more codes are better than the rest but equal to one another, the one closest to conventional morality determines what acts are wrong." (citation of source would go here if I weren't so lazy.)

Follow the link to read all about the new issue I'm grapple-hooking to from across they chasym. It's the first part of trying to understand what all of the above means. Mr. Hooker gives out that he's on the objective list side of things, but with some reservations as to autonomy and fairness... I think...


Today, I saw a woman trying to flag down a bus. She was walking along like she was ready to break out into a run except she was also holding a paper cup with some sort of liquid in her hand and was trying not to spill the contents. Judging by her actions, I can only surmise that the bus driver didn't see her trying to flag him down, becuase she took desperate action. Splashing the water onto the pavement in a flourish and spray, she broke out into a full on sprint.

I'll never know if she made that bus. I was too busy replaying the scenario in my head and laughing about it. I can hear her internal monologue. "Damn it, that bus is gunna leave. I'm gunna spill this water if I go any faster. Awe shit, he's leavin'! Damnit!!! Fuck this!!!" Splashes water and runs.

What a great country we live in. (Party finds you!)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


It's a guessing game as to what the day will bring.

...and I love games...

I read this:

“Always remember, your focus determines your reality.”

after I read something else that dealt with the concept of reality.

Our reality is not "the reality." It's perception deciphered by our nervous system understood as necessary-for-survival information.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Buttered Rolls

Ben Lee song in a Kohls Commercial? I like that song, but I don't like the use of that song for the promotion of buying stuff for yourself.

Eh... it's complicated.

Today felt a bit Carroll-ian. As typical with most Mondays, I've started the week with a sense of preparedness and optimism for the production and execution of ideas and action. However, once the afterknoon set in, it became apparent that I was going to need a lot more coffee (or something similar) to keep myself going.

I ran into an acquaintance on Friday night at the Harmony. He asked me if I would be interested in laying down some drum tracks on his demos. (Side Project!!!)

But the important thing is that over the weekend, lots of things fell into place in my head. I think I found an acceptable agreement with the "five points" as methodology for the consequentialist moral theory thing. I'll deal with that later this week after I read the next chapter (probably tomorrow night?? Maybe.)

I finally saw Paprika Saturday night. I had a fun experience with this place last summer when they showed it for what was more than likely two weeks. I didn't realize it was there until the day after it's last showing. I was not pleased with myself for not seeing it in "huge" format. After finally seeing it, I'm still disappointed that I missed it. I don't know if I can recommend it unless you're into anime.

Friday, March 14, 2008

I should get off the promises (part 2)

Aisde to "Rebecca" from yesterday's post. Kick it!!! here to find out if she is going to be in your area in the very near (tomorrow night) future.
Feeling somewhere between Nostalgia Sickness and Wanderlust today. Must be the weather.

I was going to do an update on my continued peeking into Ideal Code but I was waylaid by some highwaymen (or some extra work at work) and didn't get into the book again like I had planned... ahh plans. What a waste.

Anyway. What's been bothering me about the methodology of Mr. Hooker is the assumption that an ethical code somehow adheres to our already in place ethical code. To me it stinks tautological but I can't quite figure where the source is.

I would like to get #2 (heh heh... stink, number two) out of the way. I have no problems with a theory or system being internally consistent. So I'll grant him that assumption, for now. (I reserve the right to retract that allowance.)

I feel like one and three are coming from the same starting point, which is to say, attractive generalizations about morality and an adherance to our existing moral convictions after careful consideration come from the same yet unidentified base of moral convictions that we (whatever sort of group "we" is) seem to have intuitively. So far, Mr. Hooker either hasn't explained why these assumptions should be granted or I've missed his explanation as to why my general feelings about ethical actions are in some way universal for all people.

So that's what I'm kicking around in my head right now. If I can't find some sort of resolution, I may just have to grant the assumptions (for the sake of moving forward) and ... enough with the fucking smoking, Asshole! I'm tired of your lack of consideration on that point ... sorry, where was I? Nevermind. I'm going to step outside to get away from the bad air.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

As a part of my ongoing love affair with all things live performance related and art-sy, I figured I'd just bring up the fact that next Thursday night (3/20/08) at the High Noon Saloon is going to be off the fucking charts. Did I not make myself clear? Off the fucking charts.

So if you live in the area (and I'm talking roughly a five hundred elephant radius) I suggest, strongly suggest you come have your mind blown out the back of your head while you learn a thing or two about cheetos, dancin', fried dough and romancin'.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I should get off the promises (part 1)

Alright... while I would much rather talk about a Frankenstein-ian Horse that eats Zombies and children that can turn into slime a la Wonder Twins hiding from scouting robots, I said I would bore you all with some Philosophy crap I'm sort of working on.

I've been reading this book (well, not really reading as much as hauling around in my backpack and saying to myself I've eventually got to get this done) entitle Ideal Code, Real World by Brad Hooker. I mentioned it back in November (I think. I did a lot of things in November.)

Chapter one breaks down rule-consequentialism eithical theory into a simple form. The ethical code whose collective internalization has the best consequences is the ideal code. There's some psuedo-quantifable way of determining which code (collection of rules that one should feel free to follow) arrives at the best consequences. But before we get to the reasons why this is even worth thinking about, we'll have to justify the method for establishing any metaethical code... so that's were we spend most of our time.

According to Mr. Hooker, there are five points that a moral theory should adhere to in order to be considered worth study.

1. It starts from attractive generalizations about morality.
2. It must be internally consistent.
3. It must cohere with the moral convictions we have after careful reflection.
4. It should identify a fundimental principle that both explains why our more specific considered moral convictions are correct and justifies them from an impartial point of view.
5. It should help us deal with moral questions about which we are not confident, or do not agree.

Supposedly, I'm supposed to agree with everything in that list if I'm going to have a chance of agreeing with anything else Mr. Hooker has to say in the rest of the book. (except for the comment about skeptics which went something like, 'Skeptics are stupid and therefore their opinions don't matter.' "independently credible beliefs need not be certain, or beyond all challenge or revision.")

I've taken yesterday and today to sort of kick this grocery list around and I'm still not satisfied with the requsite qualifications. I'm gunna have to put another couple hours of "free time" into this before I'll get back to it.

Until then, there's always the power of imagination.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

In my insomniatic furvor last night, I grabbed my copy of Negative Blue and opened it up to a random page to find this:

Still Life with Spring and Time to Burn

Warm day, early March. The buds preen, busting their shirtwaists
All over the plum trees. Blue moan of the mourning dove.
It's that time again,
time of relief, time of sorrow
The earth is afflicted by.
We feel it ourselves, a bright uncertainty of what's to come

Swelling our own skins with sweet renewal, a kind of disease
That holds our affections dear
and asks us to love it.
And so we do, supposing
That time and affection is all we need answer to.
But we guess wrong:

Time will append us like suit coats left out overnight
On a deck chair, loose change dead weight in the right pocket,
Silk handkerchief limp with dew,
sleeves in a slow dance with the wind.
And love will kill us--
Love, and the winds from under the earth
that grinds us to grain-out.

I copied this poem in late July, 2001 on the back of a Yahtzee score card. I received Negative Blue for Christmas this year. Didn't know that poem was in there. Lack of sleep makes it seem unique that I opened to that page... brain fights that explanation.

In other news, there have been new devlopments in the Sno-Jousters story. A villian has been created. A purpose for all of the snow jousting has been cited. A sequal is already in the works. Complete with illustrations.

But that was Sunday. Last night, before the insomnia set in, I started my second read through "Ideal Code, Real World". I'll kick some "jams" about chapter one tomorrow (because I know everyone wants to gain a better understanding of rule-utilitarian moral theory, as filtered (read, butchered and transmogified) by me.)

In the mean time, I have to go to my least favorite office, court of appeals... (crowd booing in the background)

Monday, March 10, 2008

This long monrning stretched out with a lack of major activity on the incoming front which afforded me the opportunity to reflect in the puddles and pools.

There was an article that caught my eye... apparently there are new sins.

I really liked this quote: “Those who trust in themselves and in their own merits are, as it were, blinded by their own ‘I’, and their hearts harden in sin. Those who recognize themselves as weak and sinful entrust themselves to God, and from Him obtain grace and forgiveness.”

Couple that with the current book I'm reading and the next book on my list of books to get a hold of and a song entitled "When Water Comes to Life" and suddenly I'm filled with a (foreign) sensation of hope. Don't ask my how that happens inside my twisted head.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

(Title goes here)

I don't know about anyone else. I don't know what the average person thinks. I spend too much time thinking about stuff anyway. But my thoughts are somewhat elevated and/or aggravated this weekend. I missed my usual routine on the second half of the week yet managed to maintain my vigilance in staying clean. It's been thirteen days.
>But as I'm walking around with my earbuds embedded in my frozen ears
>I can't help but wonder what everyone else is listening to
And the usual events of Friday went a tad askew. Instead of a movie and sleeping, it was out till very late and a dizzy tired feeling.
>Because they're all listening to something.
Saturday was a long and relatively unproductive rehearsal that lost focus as soon as we decided to run through some covers we haven't really played often enough. I realized that I never settled on a definitive way of playing "Bachelorette" which frustrated me almost as much as not being into playing a solo for "USA #2!".
>And that part of me that's entirely wrapped up in me (all of me?) assumes
>that whatever they're listening to isn't as good as what I'm
>listening to.
As usual, everyone seemed tired and worn out. There was apparently some tension steaming off of me about the early quittin' time too. I only said that I don't work all week to spend five hours playing music with my band. It's an all day event.
>I've thought about it. Like I said. Do you think your musical taste is better?
>Do the beats and rhythms explode with emotion in your brain?
And after rehearsal it was another Saturday night Perkins dinner (who-hoo!) where I started to draw on my hand. That's when Travis accused me of being weird. Travis said I was weird. Yeah. I mean, I am weird, but to have Travis actually say that I'm weird sort of makes it official.
>When you're listening to whatever you're listening to, do you get
>goosebumps at certain passages? Do you have to stop what you're doing so
>you can listen more intently? Focus to lose the filters?
Joe and I went to some place so he could dance. Since I'm clean, I was pretty bored but I had a sharpie and a right hand with no ink on it.
>I do.
Today was not the last day recording at the studio. One more week and then we'll be done. Mixing should prove to be more interesting than listening to Joe sing the chorus to "Jerkwater" over and over.
>And I wish you could understand. Like floating in a puddle of thoughts for a

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Things I'm wasting money on

Today is a consumer day. (Much like Thursday...)

Here's what I bought today.

Item #1: I discovered volume 3 in Livingston over the fourth of July a few years ago in a little shop that's since been sold and is slowly being converted into a restaurant. Volume 3 included the awesome "Blood Ninja" excerpt which I greatly enjoy quoting. "I hang out in the alley, I smoke a fatty, I throw rocks at the cats. Stone Cold Steve Austin hands me a beer. You wanna wrestle Stone Cold? Yeaaaah!" Volume 4 introduced me to Octavia E. Butler last fall and also gave me the slogan, "I am not a euphemism". (Not to mention the companion CD's that include some rare musical gems like a non-electronic version of the Postal Service's Recycled Air.)

Item #2: I heard about this band a few years ago in a music review. They sounded interesting but the band that opened for them (the Selfish Gene) was who I was going to the show to see. (This was before I had sort of figured out the whole Bright Eyes, Wilco, Phish, Grateful Dead thing and their music.) I bought "Advice From the Happy Hippopotamus" at that show and have since been rather adamant about seeing them every time they come around. Their last album, "Meaning of 8", resonated with me for a while, but I've found that I go back to "Advice" more often. Only time will tell if the Tea Party has staying power. Super Chai Power!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Chocolate Never Dies

This isn't the most firey of exchanges Travis and I have had, but it's a pretty good exchange for a Friday. Enjoy.

******** Trav Wrote **********
are the "selfish gene" that much better than we are?

they're likely more polished...

i think "snow jousters" would benefit from a generous helping of "damn yankees" the whole soundtrack...maybe the band could reunite for recording the soundtrack (i'm entrusting the score to you...though i reserve the right to make hackneyed suggestions that are better ignored...i.e.--"more bassoon!")...

do i hear "high enough '09"...i hope that i'll get the chance to...

i was thinking about that crazy "loop" thing that kovochich and i stumbled upon that one time when him and i were messing around with the keyboard and we were running it through the guitar processor that i use...i'd like to try more "keyboard through guitar processor" real concrete ideas, but i would make attempts to work on stuff like that when i would have my "alone sessions" at the old space (which i absolutely need to go vacuum today after work)...looking forward to having sessions like that again at the new space without the feeling that i'm distracting people from braiding hair, working on taxes, or eating their nightly ramen noodles before jamming out on blues guitar (i feel like i'm starting to slip a bit in expanding as a "musician", mostly due to not playing a whole lot on my own time this last month)...although there isn't as much room for me to pass out there...

its "pizza day"...word...



******** I Wrote **********

Trav(isto the amazing)

The Selfish Gene (or as I like to call them "Shellfish Jean") is good and not good. Sure as blindfold at a "pinyata" party they're more polished the we, but that's merely a rehearsing issue on or part. (Right?) Their music encompasses a lot of differnt (mostly not my cup-o-tea) styles. Think Bright Eyes meets Wilco and the ghost of Phish in a dark alley to talk about the Grateful Dead's influence on pop music in the late Ninties. There tis'n't much in the way of self-stimulation by the individual members... no one is shootin all over themselves on stage (like Ted Nugent will for the reunion tour. Chomping away at that gum, deflecting bullets with his rock.) But their thing was always having edited video playing behind them... one of their songs makes me think of that Drug Movie about dreams... but that wasn't there last night, and it made me actually pay attention to either "obviously not 21 douche who stood way too close infront of me in the faux-suede jacket who kept making sideways glances at the fem-bots standing next to me" or watching the band. I could have used a few more solo/musical moments without the two part harmonies that just seemed to drone on... "we get it, both you you can sing." Hire an lyrical editor to parse your erato-musing spliff written crap. I'm not a nice person.

Sno-Jousters will definitely need lots of soaring guitar/oboe duets. You can't have lancers on snow machines flying off embankments without music to match the shrill excitement of it all. Maybe that's what we can project behind us when we get a "18+ popular in the local circuit social-scene jam-box, vacant 1,000 yard stare, go-to-college-and-put-your-ass-in-debt" crowd.
You also would have to make one of the main characters pretty much a complete rip-off of Joey Vochich, call him Jay Jay or something, where he's almost fatally irratic in his pursuit of the ideal of love... and jousting.

We will talk more about this later, tomorrow, the the next few weeks... till it just sort of smoulders out.

As for the looping organ stuff, we need to work on that stuff, but that all takes time. I know that yesterday night watching television was more worthwhile (well, the shamrock shake was. It's like I've got a little bit of Uncle O'Grimmacy in me now... and forever. He gets a hold of your gut the way "Jack Frost" (No, not the movie, rather the anthropomorphic term for frostbite) can get a hold of your fingers and toes and take them for the rest of your (un)natural, digitless life.) I still want to work out that Youngian 5/4 idea a little bit more. I was working on that last night but the chord change is pretty much the same as the Moment and that keeps frustrating me. How many other chords can I choose? and I still go for the Am, Fmaj back and forth. It's played out! All of it. Especially me. Totally played out.

Enjoy your pizza. I had a cherry walnut scone for breakfast and a blueberry latte for lunch. For dinner I'm thinking something fruity.

Word (Up)...(terrible remake)


******** Trav Wrote **********

i found the subject line in an old e-mail of mine...pretty good...

"18+ popular inthe local circuit social-scene jam-box, vacant 1,000yard stare, go-to-college-and-put-your-ass-in-debt"crowd.---this was a very good rant...

i laughed out loud at the "jay jay vochich" (jim-jam bonks) characterization...very funny and very essential...he'd have to be the main character...the audience will rise and fall with his (and the jackal's) fortunes...

of course, "jay-jay" would have to remember the time before the "snowpocalypse"...a time before all of the snow and the jousting...but not before love...

all right, stuff to do...


******** I Wrote **********


I thought of "Jay Jay" while I was reading, er working, this morning at work. A Knut Hamson story called "the Queen of Sheeba" about a guy who hops on a train to follow a girl he met once four years prior only to spend a week in some far off town pretending to be an antiquitor simply to discover she's married.

...Sitting here wondering if a return of service for a federal subpoena from Deleware should be notarized, living the life!!!...

I keep getting giggling fits whenever I think about "Snowpocalypse". And the obnoxious whine from all the two stroke engines. That will have to pervade every scene, even the flashbacks. Overall, I'm hearing a very simiar audial experience to Nascar Symphony 3000 for this movie... with Shaw and Blades singing beautiful harmonies about running (engins). now the time to give the Atty. G. his dues?...

"but not before love." very nice.

...Tom Morello is using a Whammy there, two octavies up...

Are we going to move that organ tonight instead? I don't really feel like it's anything that should be planned. It'll just have to be a spur of the moment thing for me tomorrow morning in a mad rush to get everything squared away and not be late (all my complaining about certain people who are rediculously late for rehearsal and my own track record make me a very suitable candidate for hypocryte of the year, band related.) Suddenly I'm reminded of all of the organizing and planning I need to get set this evening. Make some (Helen Hunt) Contact with Danny about tomorrow. Orin is set for Sunday. Joey V. is all down for noon. I'm ready for a long day tomorrow. I'm not leaving at six like some people (everything to do with being a pussy...)

Alright, I have to pretend to care about work now.

Bills don't get sent out by themselves (imagine a world where they did... that would be super-fantastic. like Super Chai tea, when regular Chia just ain't enough.)


******** Trav Wrote **********

let me handle contacting "the j"...i'm feeling social and thought about going over there tonight post-vacuuming...if you wanna move the organ, let's do it tomorrow (unless you really want to do it tonight)...i can come over before you head over to the space and help load it if you'd like...but you'll have to call me to let me know...being there 'til after six sounds fine unless danny takes my bass again...otherwise, unless i plunk on the keys, i tend to get bored because there's nothing for me do save bang on the toms...



Thursday, March 06, 2008

Much better

Yesterday was a bad day... the earth turned away from the sun, like it always does, and then it turned back.

I woke up feeling hung-ed over as hell. Alcohol... er I mean Moon-ohol is good fer what ailed my poor brain and it's pretty much entirely gone. (Hang over and mental disturbance)

Today, in celebration of my total awesomeness, I went and purchased some new music. (I don't buy food and am filled, simply by listening to music) The soundtrack rack hauled me in on a couple of items. Suggested purchasing "Once" and "There Will Be Blood". I don't really have to explain the beauty of either of these items to anyone who's seen the movies. If you haven't seen either movie, I would recommend that, too. (Is that a dog barking?)

And somewhere, someone is wondering why I'm not working.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Today is not a good day.

That's all.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Where I fall asleep

Yesterday was another long day at the studio recording vocal tracks. Apparently, Joe decided to head out to the studio last Sunday while I was out of town and work on songs. That was a great decision on his part because it allowed him an opportunity to figure out a way to make himself comfortable working there.

This Sunday was more of the same. Listen to a song, re-record it a couple times or move on. Decisions on final takes will mostly be made next week, but I'm leaving almost all of those decisions up to him. It's his part, he choses what stays and what goes. With that sort of mentality, I also spent a good portion of time sleeping on a couch with Dean-o. It's a good sign that I'm butt tired when I fall asleep during the day. I'm not much of a napper.

I read an interesting article this morning and another interesting article this afternoon about ethics having an evolutionary component. It makes the book I'm supposed to be writing some sort of report about seem a bit narrow. Maye I can work this idea in somehow. (With a shoehorn and some duct tape.)