Monday, May 08, 2006

The blend put out a demo that had a track that was just their frontman reciting a poem. I listened to it with James and Andy when we went camping. I can still hear the dude say, "no, we're getting married, and as my heart sank, I remembered how my mom used to put up with..."

It was the way he said, "No, we're getting married." It's real quiet-like after a long tirade about his friends abusive boyfriend. But the point was that this girl was a cold queen, or not a cold queen, but a bold queen, on a campus that only has room for Bitch Slut or Whore, she defies them all.

--Advance slowly down the trellis like the ugly plastic ones once sold at the Depot. And I just want to watch Shakes the Clown.

Gray clouds hang over my landscape. Don't want to move an inch. Almost got more tattoos yesterday. Decided it wouldn't make the greengrass on the other side seem so brown.

Walked up Fairchild and remembered when I had done that a year earlier and said, "I live like a King in Madison." Didn't feel that way today. Had a dream about a Lion on Saturday night. Angry Lion. Like a freak Leo. And who was telling me about Coke Black this weekend? Someone was while I was drinking an Oatmeal Stout. I said that I didn't need coke black if I had Oatmeal Stout. The Porter was 13% and they didn't sell it in pitchers for logical reasons that didn't make sense to me after one pint. "Fuck that! I want a whole Damnin' Hell Bitch-Ass pitcher so's I don't gotta stumble up the dammin'-ass bar for another. I can't walk in this condititon. Hell, I'm gunn have to just pee all over my pants where I sit as it is, and who's the sorry one then? Huh?"

Then I kept giving Alison grief about keeping a small beer bong in her purse because I though she was dowining everyone's drinks when they left to go outside for smoking.

(last thing to get put in the clipboard)


Anonymous said...

hmmm, i found myself coming back here to read again. must have a 'shisler' addiction or something.

sorry again for the emails. i needed to vent, or maybe i was yearning for attention. it sucks for me at times. still. you are thousands of miles away. your companionship and friendship is deeply missed. still. the phone just does not make up for the distance at times.

what else can i say? i don't know?

as always i send my love,


Dean ASC said...

13% !!! That's where the yeast begins to die.