Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Communits Checks

I went to the bank and deposited my check from the work week.
No, wait.
Wrong checks. I've been reading "the Joke" by Milan Kundera. It was funny reading the Author's Note in the beginning of the book because it made me start to think that the whole book itself was a joke or that the story isn't really the story that he wrote or something. The title has really got me speculating as to what the joke really is. (that's what I'm trying to say)

I think that it would have been great to have been kicked out of the party and conscripted into the army to serve as a miner for the party. Work, eat, sleep, be abused, work, eat, sleep, be abused, go to town every other weekend, maybe. No one expecting me to be somewhere or to do something. Capitolism is a pain in the ass. No, wait. That's my wallet I'm sitting on.

I think the 'joke' so far is that the one character was voted out of the party because he sent a postcard to a girl at a training camp that was joking in its message... something about Trotsky being right. He was joking. They didn't see it that way. I'd probably end up in Siberia faster than a three peckered owl. I'm always using cynicism and satire to mask my arrogant vanity.

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