Friday, May 19, 2006

Take it to heart

Dear Friends,
Take it to heart, because I was talking about you. That's right. SUCK IT!!!
Love Zach

In other news, it's been Operation Shitstorm at work this week. It seems that May is the month to sue and sue alike. No time for the loging of my mundane life or "insight" on news or blah blah blah.

I retooled "I Hate My Friends" and it sounds better now that it did last weekend. I also wrote something that Travis "Steve Schieler-ed" * as Late Smashing Pumpkins or Early Radiohead.

I called him today to remind him about the C. Earl Cinnamon Swirl pick up for Joe for precttice tomorrow. We're going to record lyrics and bass for another track (hopefully.) I'd like to do "Excuse Me Sir, Can I Please Have Back My Soul," but Travis is betting on "Plastic Head," since Joe is more comfortable with that one.

In other news, Travis and I may be making a trip up to Sparta/Tomah on Sunday. I wanted to take the afterknoon off from work today and do it but, Op. Shitstorm is still in full effect. I have to hunt down the Mayor to serve him a Subpoena. The Subpoena lists him personally, not as the Mayor, so I have to track him down personally, and that means being in his office around 4pm today. Oh well. In Tomah, my plan is to get a few pictures of the signage as namesake of the band and put it up on a website that is yet to be discussed with the other members. Then I'll be able to make my crappy friends (all three of them) listen to my band's crappy music and if they don't, I'll just make them feel crappy.

We also may have a drummer that everyone can agree on if only we can find a practice space in the Madison area that's reasonably priced.

Yeah. Crappy.

* Steve Schieler-ed: to snap fingers repeatedly while saying, "Oooh, ooh, ooh," while someone is playing an original piece of music in an attempt to place the song into a popular band's catalogue. In this instance, the song was something that B. Corigan or T. York wrote and I stole. Steve Schieler (name may be misspelled) is a real person. He used to do this to Travis when he would play music for him. Travis wanted to make a short film about him, Steve Schieler's Rock and Roll Training Video. It's a funny story. He plays guitar and you can hear a full band even though there's no band in sight. It makes people afraid and they run away in terror.


Dean ASC said...

What kind of lawsuits? Are evictions up? That's the kind of information that one could profit from.

RicketyFunk said...

Evictions come and go pretty easily. They follow a general pattern of a service/posting of a 5 day notice to pay or quit. Following that is simply filing with small claims court, which is to establish a court date for the parties to "duke it out" in court. The papers get served or posted (3rd attempt) by a "disinterested third party." And that's pretty much how it goes from my end.

Most of the cases we deal with are insurance settlements that were rejected by the plaintiff, (the damages on my car excedes the amount you are offering me. Pay me more.) or there are medical expenses or something that the defendant and/or the defendant's Ins. Co. won't take care of without a court decision.

If you're interested in evictions in MA. I would suggest doing a little research at a law library with current state statutes (spoiled me with the UW-Madison Law Library just down the street.) It's dry reading but it lays out the procedures and necessary actions one must take.

Dean ASC said...

I was think along the lines of foreclosure rates in a particular area go up or requests from the same bank in a short period of time. If one knew who held the mortgages in a location that was tanking one could make a fortune shorting the stock if publicly held.

RicketyFunk said...

Oh, well, that's different. Foreclusures are usually taken care of in civil court since the amount usually sits above the $5,000 mark that serves as the cutoff for small claims. The evictions I was talking about are the bum renters of the vast apartments that this fair bloated college town has for overpirced housing.

I've seen a few business evictions come through but they were small companies that didn't have shareholders. There have been some Federal cases that we have had to get copies of but by the time we get those they're public record.

The money job (for this kind of info) is actually my other job at the legal copy shop. That's where I see the case documents before they get to the courts. I did sign a confidentiality agreement though, so I'm restricted in what I can 'broadcast.' Not to mention that I'm a poor college grad with no money to invest in business, just in DVDs and diet pill pyramid schemes. Hey, there was a pyramid in the Davinci Code. Did you see it yet?

Dean ASC said...

Waiting for it to come to HBO or Starz or Showtime. Like every other movie out there. I made the choice to have films delivered to me rather then go out to see them or fetch them from Blockbuster. I know Netflix has more movies but I love Entourage and Sopranos and don't want to wait for those to hit DVD.