Friday, May 05, 2006


striped down the side racing past on eight wheels. Sunglasses and sporty cap. hair, hair? what does this say about you and me, what does it all mean? When do i get to stop grinding curbs and creating cracks in belts chasing children and seal their fate with my endorsement. Watch the sun set on the SUV and the cigarette, bleached out hair down to your shaved pits and, bumper stickers that say, "Unless you're a COCK, get off my ASS!" And there's the same guy everyday with his defeated gait to the bus stop. I always think I should give him a ride since we both work in the same building. Or at least give him a pair of sunglasses. Why does everyone wear sunglasses? gaffas del sol. strange.

I can't wait till I get to, "at the Mountains of Madness," in the Lovecraft collection I'm reading. I've been reading a story or two before bed. Good timing for the middle of the night wake-up-drenched-in-sweat-fest. Unfortunately, that's about as deep as it gets. I read that story a long time ago and it didn't make much sense. I've learned a thing or two since then about the cold and uncaring nature of the universe.

I was watching the View with Tom Cruise et. al. from MI:III and Ving was talkin' 'bout Cruise's love for humanity. That's such horse shit. horse Shit HorseShit HORSESHIT! Road apple anyone? Mindy once scarfed down a road apple before my dad could pull her away from it. That's one of the best memories I have of her. Actually, that was the weekend she ate close to a pound of Jalapeno Cheddar Bread. Nasty, Nasty Bread. I don't like cornmeal in my bread. The best way to make cornbread is to use a yellowcake mix and a cornbread mix from our friends at Jiffy (bakery goods for lazy people) and combine the two and bake. Light fluffy and toxic.

It's a ramblin' friday. I can't wail loud enough for the Memorial Day to arrive for a day off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

after a 3 months absence, i finally took the time to read everything here. i made the time, so to speak. ( as always, not entirely true. i come back at times to read your beautiful post about your friend where i have left a couple of comments. the words still move me ) i do have things to do 'after the clock', though who has clocks anymore? and those promised cd's from november. never mind. and tailgaters, you have always hated them.

it's odd for me zach. i know you inside and out. not sure everyone knows you the way i do, maybe, maybe not. to read though. made me laugh, smile, got me a bit angry as well. for reasons only you would understand. about me and such. in some cases i wish my arms were long enough just to hug you, some of this brought tears to my eyes. ( plus i know when you are bullshitting too, but that is another topic )

can we say "i don't know" in tandem? what can i say, but "i don't know". *laughs* remember when we were at the beach, not sure who started the convo, "what if there were a whole universe living on that grain of sand....."

this is all free-boating, no rhymes or riddles. just me, and i should pretty much shut up before i make a fool out of me. i just wanted you to know i read it all. plus can always just call you, don't know why i felt to write here. guess i was moved zachariah.

love you, miss you.


ps. um, you a wrestler? LOL tackled your ass down LOL shit i will have nightmares from zach posts now.....
you know how those go.....