Monday, May 01, 2006

Hangover Mondays are the best

I stayed up way too late last night after drinking all day. Or should I say, I was drinking from 2:00 PM to 4:00 AM and boy do I not believe how much I don't have a bad hangover. Funny how that works out sometimes.

I realized yesterday:

1. I want my life to be more like Spirited Away. I want to be an animated pixie with a dragon to ride on through the clouds. I would also like to have demons in Kabuki masks strolling around more. That would be pretty damn sweet. Much better than trying to serve a 90 year old woman a Summons & Complaint and having her tell me I've got the wrong number. I went there expecting to have this old woman answer the door and be fragile and timid and instead I got blindsided by a either senile or crotchety grump. (I met my match-but she'll never take me.)

2. Sunday nights are not a good time out. Regardless of what show is going on, there's no fun waiting to be had. It's just a fake assertion of a fake social life with fake friends who generate static to drown out the restless uncertainty the keeps me pretty fidgity and grumpy most of, if not all of, the time.

3. Goldschlager will not increase your net worth

4. If you ask a bartender for "Yellowcake," he will most likely not have any idea what you are talking about or will tell you that the bakery is down the street.

5. I like sleeping in my own bed, I don't like after bar parties, and I can't stand my damn brain on the day after running through every thing I said and did (that I can recall.) It's usually a replay of the scene for processing based on emotional categorical resonance and then crossreference filing based on the individual(s) present at said current memory as either apology owed or no worries about being friends anymore.

I'm really sleepy. Wish I was an illegal resident so I could take the day off today. I'll take tomorrow off instead. If I was an illegal resident, I probably wouldn't have taken the day off today, I would have done it tomorrow instead. A day late and a dollar. That's enough to buy two Pokemon hats, or five Charger's hats. And during band practice, we had to stop playing when the Packers were up to pick, it was annoying.

1 comment:

Dean ASC said...

I was a bartender for a few years. I have no idea what yellow cake is.