Monday, April 17, 2006

Economic musing

There was an interesting article in the New York Times yesterday about the rising disparity in income and economic mobility of the Japanese. It is becoming more common for a Japanese young person to be stuck with fewer options in regards to employment due to their parents income because they can't afford to attend an expensive private school or a cram school which will more likely guarantee them enterance into the most prestigious universities.

Today on the radio I was listen to a program with an economist who teaches at Wheaton University in Boston and he was talking about almost the exact same thing happening in America. The topic wasn't centered around the education disparity (give it time with this education reform from the No School Left Standing) but there is a noticeable line drawn between rich and the favors they get and the rest of us poor and destitute. For example, the tax cuts that were supposed to jumpstart the US economy were doled out at $.95 per day for poor or not even poor but just middle class and the upper 10% were getting roughly $185.00 per day. Now I know that some people will argue that these people who got more back earned more and had to pay more taxes but my response is, "What percentage of their Income did they have to pay in taxes?"

Anyway. I don't like to get too in depth politically and I'm less likely to talk about economics. My specialization is in religion and abstract ideas. It just makes me a little more disgusted with the state of this "great nation" of ours. Look to your left, look to your right. "They Give no Fuck. Just as long as there's enough for them."

I should just move back to Montana and start my freelander cult.

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