Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I was at the gym tonight and I saw Keith Olbermann talking about the Aqua Teen Hunger Force that the kids seem to be into these days.

It's sad that we live in a day and age where marketing agencies are co-opting DIY tactics. It seems to me that it was a terrorist ploy, but since there was no "real" threat to anyone, no one cares.

Let 'em take your dreams, ideas, your creativity, and stuff it into their conduits. Go listen to your Cleanchannel Censorship. Watch your filtered cable.

May as well... the underground died with... nevermind.


Dean ASC said...

They seem to be making a bigger thing about this in the national media then they did here. Sure the cops freaked out but fuck em. That's their job. The locals aren't the least bit spooked.

As for me. I know you love it but I'm not a big fan of it. Maybe because it came out after I had mostly grown out of my cartoon watching phase and I stopped smoking the wakky tobakky. I am just too old or not high enough to get why talking french fries is funny.

Dean ASC said...

I love these guys!

Anonymous said...

DIY is very common these days. It's not necessarily a bad thing. I'd rather have word-of-mouth than see another cheesy commerical on TV.