Sunday, January 07, 2007

Um. You Suck!

Alright. Now that I've tackled the problem of putting a title on this post, I'll proceed to the topics that have been bouncing around in my head for the last thirty minutes.

1. Life is about awareness. If you don't know this, you need to learn it. Once you learn it, you'll understand what I say when I mean, "Life is for living."

2. I apologize to the daily reads (DASC, AG, DB (your package has been mailed)), I've been busy with things, i.e. life, and I'll get to it when I get to it.

3. The Band has a manager. Do we need one, you ask? Sure as shit we need one (who wants to work with us as a partner rather than someone who wants us to pay her lots of money.) I don't have the fucking time to do all of that shit. I don't have the time to work on new material right now. 2007 is the year. I've got a life to live. And Fuck You for watching me dance my ass off tonight and thinking in your small, pathetic, afraid of a spiritual experience affiliated with music and movement mind that I'm the one who's crazy, weird, bizzare, something you'll never want to be. (This is aimed at people who don't read this blog (most likely) because I'm sure that most of my casual readers were at Barnes & Noble tonight and the HARDCORE readers were all watching B Movies with either Martha Quinn or Nic Harcourt depending on which side of the nation you live on (Flyover states excluded. If you live there, you were at the local Y and/or BPOE playing bingo and winning because those damn seniors are too slow.)

Tangent over!

Life is for living. (or sleeping it off)


Dean ASC said...

Wasn't Martha Quinn in the movie "Chopper Chicks In Zombie Town?

Anonymous said...

I don't know but she was a VeeJay on Mtv when they actually played music.

Dean ASC said...

I knew that. In fact, Martha was second only to Debbie Harry for my pubescent longing. I totally had the hots for rock chicks before I knew what the hots were.

RicketyFunk said...

The name sort of came to me out of the haze of late night mental wanderings. I did a check to see if she was a real person but I really can't say that I remember her being on eMpTyVee. Nic Harcourt was never in any movies that I know of, but he does have the radio program, Sounds Eclectic which used to come on right after This American Life.

RicketyFunk said...

Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town... Now that would be a movie.