Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The beast opera

I put my foot in my mouth once. It tasted like foot. Shoot. Been reading lots of stuff online today. There ain't much at work to do. Made lots of lame-as-sin photocopies at the other job. I'm gunna have to go back there this afternoon. Not excited by the prospects of that.


I do have a "Card Party" tonight. I wish that there was a better name for it. Card Party sounds lame-as-sin. T-Bone said last night something about some guy. "(can't remember the specific name) had a patch on his butt, the children would chase him." Something to that effect. It had me laughing for a while. Maybe instead of Card Party I should call it, "Patch o' the Ass" and let the children from around town chase me. Word!

The whole deal with the card game is that it cuts into my normal workout routine. I decided that I'm going to head to the gym right after work tonight, something that I never do. We'll see how crowded it is and if I should make it a part of my normal routine every night. I usually go later so there isn't a crowd but it's also a second drive into town from home.

The final note is that the PA is now not going to be loaned to me. I guess that I'm such a disreputable character that I am not allowed to have items loaned to me. It's a longer story that I don't want to get into here. Also, the parties involved are respectable people and I harbor no ill will. It seems as though there are forces at work that want to crush my dreams and laugh at them. Bella! Ha! "This is what I think of your feelings."

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