Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Drone 2

There is a radio station that I listen to at work. WORT. They are in the midst of their winter pledge drive. I feel like they just finished up their last one a month ago. It's pretty annoying... more so than the Jazz in the afterknoon.

Life would be better if I constantly had people hounding me for my hard-earned money to keep either their radio stations on the air, snakes out of Ireland, retards out of the oval office, or for their overpriced hair care products and nicotine/alcohol habits.

Oh well. I got a call from Jardine's mother last night. She went on and on about how I had used her and Jardine in my story. True story. The lady that was saying "get your freak on." Man, that made my day.

Freak mode is On.

1 comment:

k.barrick said...

I keep repeating to myself "If it were easy to do, everyone would do it" as I sit here trying to write my article for tomorrow's class.

I'm realizing if I want to write...writing in any area I want... I need to WRITE. And for some reason that's surprising and unsettling.

Also, the clearer I become in regards to how much effort I need to put into my pursuits, the more "Oh My God, I need more hours in the day" I become.

Actually, the more "I need an assistant who is more capable than me" I become.

Can't they put fufillment and happiness into a pill?

Oh. That's ecstacy and will make me suicidal after the rush is over. Drat.

You coming to chicago?