Friday, June 09, 2006

Another stupid Dream

I was out last evening with friends on state street and I got home early this morning. It was about 4 am when I woke up and realized that the segment of my dream where I was in a bathroom was my bladder dreaming of waking me up. So there was a need to take care of, and I also swigged down some more water with the dose of Vitamin I that I would've needed in the morning anyway. So... I had a can of Redbull and that always gives me nightmares these days (or so it seems) and I was having this dream. I was at a house party and there were a bunch of big men hanging wearing Hip Hop Apparel and it turned into huge brawl, a rumble if you will, so I bolted.

I remember having my keys in my hand which I assume meant I was walking to my truck but instead I was walking back to my hotel room. There were other people fleeing the fight at the party too and we were heading up this hill but the hill started to erode and I had to climb up this plastic edging to get up to solid ground.

In the hotel there were people tearing around the place, because the fight had spread and there were just people everywhere kickin' the shit out of each other so I ducked into my room. In my room was my friend Tom and his dog "Freckles" (Freckles is crazy, he was abandoned as a puppy was abused a lot and he gets really vicious when people leave Tom's house or when they smell like booze.) and Tragic Shisler was there too. So we are in this room and this black dog, much like a cross of a Pit Bull and a Rotwieller, comes charging through the screen door attacking Freckles and I just dive right in, pulling them apart and getting bit up by the black dog. These Hispanic dudes come walking up to the door and it turns out it's there dog so I'm shoving it out the door with a "get this thing the fuck out of here" deal and I shut the door.

I woke up after that.

How's that for inspiration? Huh?


Dean ASC said...

Know what I hate? When I'm standing at the urinal and suddenly a flash of paranoia hits me "What if I'm really asleep and dreaming, I hope I'm not wetting the bed right now." This happens to me more frequently then I'd care to admit.

RicketyFunk said...

I did think that I was actually pissing the bed when I was dreaming but it turns out I didn't. I think that since I'm usually a light sleeper these days, I would more likely wake up than go. I can usually tell when I'm awake and when I'm dreaming though. But I'm also a skeptic so I'm not even sure if I'm awake ever.

Dean ASC said...

That exact event happened to me in a dream last night. I must have had it in my subconscious. I woke up and took care of it. No more beer and coffee and orange juice and watermellon before bed for me.

RicketyFunk said...

Too funny. I seem to have that effect on people sometimes.

Superpowers include:
The ability to affect peoples dreams.