Monday, June 26, 2006

Chunky sections of the songs

When you put youself on the line to do something that is above the calling of the average person, you end up getting into a realm of obsession that tends to block out all else that fails to serve the obsession.

Danger Twin #2 sent me some text messages on Saturyday asking if I was still alive. Sure I'm still alive. I'm just not alive for sitting in pubs consuming shot after shot of "Jame-o".

Our rehearsal/audition on Saturday was spectacular. (filled with spectacle) The new drummer is offically our new drummer. His skill are a little rusty since he doesn't own his own kit and doesn't have a viable practice space, but he was very interested in working out drum parts that are unique for each song. No repetition of a beat. I'm very excited about that. I just need to rope him in for certain chuncky sections of the songs. What is a chuncky section of a song you ask? Well, I glad you asked. (about that thing, cause what I'd like to do is sing.)

A chunky section of a song is where the music escalates from a rather subdued and "pistol eating vib-ey" state into lots and lots of distortion/feedback noise/chaos ala the "Everybody solo" from a certain 50's pop song parody by a certain band. It's what I'm fast learning is a certain esthetic that I use in my songcraft to explore the less refinied sections of my brain. Much like an Alabama Frankenstein, "Fire Bad, Ya'll," where the ability to take in stimuli lacks the controlled restraint and supression from years of being raised in the Christian Sub-culture in it's expression coming out the other side.

It generally goes like this. "It needs more distortion. It needs more compression. Let's throw in some vibrato. How 'bout some delay? Second pass through distortion would be good now. I wonder what it would sound like with wah? No, no wah is needed." Then I'm usually satisfied with the sound of raw sadness screaching out of my amp. It's not processed. It's not subdued, it's at the point where everything fell apart.

There's a lot more exploring that I need to do in order to wrap my fingers around the neck of my muse. It ain't getting away that easy.

I would also like to apologize for the lack of excitement on my blog as of late. I've been indulging myself with lots of day to day boring stories that amuse me. I haven't found myself really being to engaged by the outside world as of late. Just obsessed with the band, the music, the hope for a better tomorrow and politics or ire-evoking current event ranting doesn't seem to really get us anywhere.

By the time we decide to do something about it, it'll be too late.

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