Monday, June 12, 2006

Piss an Vin

I'm just a bit on the angry side of a moment. Got wrapped up in my old ways on saturday night. Went out for a few beers with Andy's brother and his old roommate and Dave's old girlfriend. That was good and well. Five beers (Murphy's, Black & Tan, Harp, Bell's Oberon x2) in four hours, quick talking, one whole pack of cigarettes and then some. (Camel light Wides, Winston lights) and a stroll around the downtown. It was kind of raining on and off. Smoking wasn't that big of a deal since there was a stoop at the Irish and we didn't have to stand in the rain. (Madison thinks it's cool because it thinks that California is cool and it has a smoking ban just like California.) So, back at James', his roommates get back from some party and then his other roommate gets back from Portage (at like 4am) with a mostly full bottle of Jack Daniels. We proceed to pass the bottle around and I end up getting piss drunk to the point of madness. I stumble off to my truck, which is in a parking ramp and plant myself in the seat and lock the door and wait for the deeds to begin. I don't remember how many times I crawled out of my truck to vomit behind the SUV I was parked next to, but there was a sweetly sickening pool of stomach bile and sadness waiting for someone to find sometime later that day. I went home a nine. Slept all day. Watched TV in the evening. Went to bed. Still feel like shit for allowing myself to go back to that. I don't binge drink anymore. (Yeah I don't.)

On the flipside, I haven't had a cigarette since Saturday. They smell horrible to me now. God bless the two day hangover.

1 comment:

k.barrick said...

I will forever wish you luck in giving up cigarrettes.

That doesn't mean that I think you'll be trying to give them up FOR-E-VER....

Wait. Maybe it does.

And dude. At least you didn't try any one-handed cartwheels. Especially close to that puddle of bile and sadness (fantastic line).