Monday, June 05, 2006

Laugh it up

I was out tossing a frisbee yesterday with some friends on the capital lawn. One toss ended up floating it's way off the sidewalk and I was manuevering to catch it when I realized I was getting awfully close to the chain that divided the sidewalk from the grass. Sure enough. Hit that chain and rolled on the concrete. Fortunately, it was a graceful spill and the people drinking across the street could only laugh for a few minutes. I did straighten out that chain pretty good though.

I grind my self down to establish a point.

If you are going to toss a frisbee, do it in a park where there aren't things to trip over, such as chains.

There would be more but I've work to do and never enough time to do it.

1 comment:

RicketyFunk said...

Hey, I didn't write a song and call it, "the Song That Saves the World."